The first time I ever remember seeing Ron Perlman was in the infamous movie The Ice Pirates. I was 9. That movie introduced me to the word Eunuch, which made my mother happy beyond words. It also taught me how to deal effectively with a space-virus, should I ever encounter one. Mr. Perlman was born Ronald Francis (Sorry Ron, It's for the good of E2.) Perlman in uptown New York on the 13th of April, 1950. He's taken part in over 80 movies/television shows in varying capacities, from director to writer but mostly as an actor. One of his finest performances would have to be as Salvatore in The Name Of The Rose. That movie rocks my socks. (Sean Connery and Christian Slater also kick ass in that movie.)
  Ron Perlman started studying theatrics at George Washington High School. After that, Perlman attended Lehman College for a bit, then after a brief hiatus he mosey'd on over to the University of Minnesota and got his masters in Theatre Arts. Ron is an Aries and enjoys golf and hunting scum in the dank tunnels beneath.. err.. yeah. Ron Perlman is usually remembered as either Vincent from Beauty and the Beast or as Josiah Sanchez from The Magnificent Seven. He has one wife and two kids.
 A filmography is available at ",+Ron".

  FYI, Ron was also in the last Ed Wood film, I Woke Up Early The Day I Died. With Billy Zane.(Not to mention Rick Schroder, Sandra Bernhard, Andrew McCarthy, John Ritter, Christina Ricci, AND Vampira! WOOHOO!) ^_^