When one sits down to analyze friendships and relationships, they can be seen in many different lights. Some things hold true in all relationships. Many people do not notice these facts because it is something that they wish to deal with. It is hard to accept that people are simply looking out for themselves.

The most common unconditional relationship is with a pet. No matter what you do to most animals they will love you and be happy to see you no matter what. The second relationship that some people believe to be unconditional is a relationship with God.

It is unfair to seek an unconditional friendship without giving an unconditional love. Loving unconditionally puts a person at risk to be hurt. Loving someone no matter what can potentially cause a harmful, damaging, and abusive relationship. I know that no one wants such a harmful relationship. The fear of giving unconditional love, as well as the rareness of it, makes a two-sided unconditional relationship rare.