It's amazing how long it has been since I've done any work with E2. It has little or nothing to do with finals or the absolutely brutal winter weather here. I've been really sick again. The failure of internal organs to do their jobs has been at fault. Oh well. I should be used to this by now. It is not going away.

I woke up really early today after sleeping through an entire night for a change. With only one final today I felt like I had a mini-vacation between 4am and 7am. Is this a sign of getting older? Being able to enjoy being up and moving before the sun rises just seems so characteristic of old men. It is peaceful. No one else is awake to bother me except for the cats. Unfortunately I had to venture outside.

Winter in Colorado is different from winter in most of the other places that I've lived. The dry air just seems colder and more cutting. The wind feels like it is wearing you away. Erosion or the feeling of it is one of the constants of my life. At times I feel like bad habits and stupid axioms are being stripped away. Other times it seems like my interest in anything outside of books and my girlfriend is leaving me in torrents. I know you don't care. I don't either.

We had an interesting topic for my African-American Studies class. The entire final was about Malcolm X but it was in the form of a letter. Remember in his autobiography when he snubs that white girl by saying in response to her question about what she can do to help? He said that there was nothing she could do to help and later on in the book expresses regret about his answer. The letter was supposed to be from Malcolm's perspective after his return from Mecca. It's a kind of cool idea since the requirements of the writing include explanations of his perspective before and after the Hajj. I'm not a fan of essay exams but this was really fun. In any case, it beats the hell out of writing dialogues concerning the Allegory of the Cave.

Nearly finished with the next issue of my zine. Feel free to /msg me if you want a copy. With any luck I will be able to scam all of the copying anyway so there won't be any real cost other than postage. I'm reading Thomas Hardy's Jude the Obscure and I'm totally absorbed. I'm not sure how I let this book slip by me. It has been a little while since a book has really kicked my ass though. It made me totally abandon the hefty book on Foucault that I was reading.