The North American Nursing Diagnosis Association, also known as NANDA, is the organization which publishes the officially approved list of nursing diagnoses. Its stated goal is to increase the visibility of nursing's contribution to patient care by continuing to develop, refine and classify phenomena of concern to nurses. Its main thrust is focused towards developing nursing diagnoses, but it also defines terms as used in nursing in order to increase nursing’s vocabulary. This is an important step on nursing’s road to becoming a true profession.

NANDA history:


Kristine Gebbie and Mary Ann Lavin call the First Task Force to Name and Classify Nursing Diagnoses. Clearinghouse for Nursing Diagnoses - established at St. Louis University. Serves as a depository for materials on nursing diagnosis and National Conference Group on the classification of Nursing Diagnoses. The clearing house publishes a newsletter, maintains a speakers bureau, coordinates plans for national conferences and distributes bibliographies on each diagnostic category developed.


First Conference Proceedings edited by Gebbie and Lavin are published.


Work of nurse theorist group begins; group facilitated by Sister Callista Roy. The group presents papers at the 1978 and 1980 meetings. In 1982, Dr. Callista Roy and other prominent theorists (e.g. Margaret Newman, Martha Rogers, Dorothea Orem and Imogene King) present an organizing framework for nursing diagnoses called Patterns of Unitary Man (Humans) to the NANDA and the Taxonomy Committee.


Formal guidelines for review and inclusion of Nursing Diagnoses in Taxonomy I established.


North American Nursing Diagnosis Association (NANDA) created incorporating National Task Force members from the United States and Canada.


American Nurses Association (ANA) establishes a steering committee on the classification of Nursing Practice Phenomena. The president of NANDA is a committee member.


ANA forwards NANDA´s diagnostic classification to the World Health Organization for possible inclusion as a chapter in the International Classification of Diseases (ICD).


NANDA and American Nurses Association develop a model to collaborate on nursing diagnosis development and endorse the development of nursing diagnosis.


Taxonomy I (The "Orange Book") is published based upon the work of the nurse theorists


International participation in NANDA facilitated.


Nursing Diagnosis - The official journal of the North American Nursing Diagnosis Association is published by J. B. Lippincott


Journal title changes to Nursing Diagnosis - The Journal of Nursing Language and Classification.


First joint meeting of the NANDA, NIC and NOC (National Outcome Classification)


Boston College, Burns Library selected to Archive NANDA´s historical documents.


NANDA celebrates its 25th anniversary in St. Louis, MO.

Since 1998, NANDA has been working in concert with the WHO and international nursing organizations to come up with an international set of nursing diagnoses in order to facilitate communication across national boundaries. As medicine has a language of its own, so nursing is developing one. NANDA is not the only organization dedicated to furthering these goals, but it is one of the oldest.

At this time, NANDA’s goals are as follows:

  1. Develop and test Nursing Diagnosis and the NANDA-International Taxonomy
  2. Include NANDA-International Diagnoses into standardized language systems and health care databases
  3. Promote the use of nursing diagnoses in nursing practice, education and research
  4. Expand NANDA-International's membership and financial base
  5. Collaborate with specialty organizations and other groups involved in language development
  6. Disseminate NANDA-International's work nationally and internationally
  7. Preserve NANDA-International's history

NANDA accepts submission of new nursing diagnoses through its website, so every nurse who feels that a problem has not been sufficiently addressed is free to submit a diagnosis for consideration by the committee.

For further information, visit the NANDA website at