I'm at prom, with my old ex-girlfriend (the one who crushed my self-confidence and will power), her name is Sarah.
Not only is this bizarre, because she won't even return my phone calls, and she has a new boy toy to crush, but we are actually having a great time together, like the good old days, when everything was good in my life. (Sarcasm)
I wake up with an immense feeling of euphoria, like "It's all OK, because Sarah and are getting back together after Prom went so well."
Ever get that crushing feeling when you've just woken up? The feeling you get when you realize you've left "dream world" and it's back to reality?

It hit me hard.

I think this is some kind of suport to my notion that spring makes me want a girlfriend, because I've been contently miserable and alone all winter, and as soon as spring rolls around, I'm ready to get crushed and rejected all over again.
Just because the deer and bunnies are at it, I figure I should too.