Ok, fine, but here's the thing:

Guns, knives, cars - all these are dangerous as hell if used improperly, and totally safe if treated with the respect they deserve. If you disrespect the blade on a knife, you're gonna get cut. If you're not careful with your car, you're gonna get in a wreck.

Guns are the same way. Not exactly the same, but similar enough to draw the comparison. Maybe we should require licensing for guns - I haven't really thought that one out enough to decide. Trigger locks? Also a good idea. I don't have a problem with requiring training and safety features. I do have a problem with anti-gun nuts who insist that if we get rid of guns, all our problems will go away.

You've never heard of accidental knife deaths? I hate to tell you, it happens all the time. Someone's fucking around, tossing a knife, and they get cut bad enough that they die. If you fuck around with a knife, you'll get hurt. Same thing with a gun.