Right. Before I go cannoning into this log I'd better get a few things explained.

I belong to a youth theatre group called Theatrerats. Long story there. Anyway, I've been in it for a few years and we've recently been asked to perform a play based on the experiences of survivors of the 2006 Grampians bushfires. We slapped together an awesome play called 'Rites of Fire' and practiced out hearts out.

Tonight, we performed for the first time.

The adrenaline rush of going onstage is incredible. I threw myself body and soul into my character. It was as if the audience had evaporated.

I found out later that our performance had moved the (admittedly small) audience to tears. We had people come backstage to congratulate us and ask us questions.

It was probably the best performance we've ever given. And we still have three left.

Let's give our best shot.