A book by word.com. Regular people talk about their jobs in a series of monologues. The list of characters giving their stories is near exhaustive. An office temp, a fruit stand worker, a drug dealer, a plastic surgeon, a roadie, an FBI agent, a telephone psychic, a college professor, a video game designer, a porn star, a slaughterhouse human resources director ect. ect. ect. They each give a 2-5 page blurb on how they feel about their jobs, but usually they also reveal much more.

It was pretty amazing how many roles there are to be played; every personality trait, no matter how disagreeable, can have a place in the world.

Also, there are lots of boring people in exciting jobs, and lots of exciting people in boring jobs. I suspected this already, having a long stream of pretty dull jobs and loving my co-workers. The amazing thing: the cool people could make the worst kind of work seem interesting by having good observations.

I definitely felt more compassionate towards people after reading this book. There is an extremely limited circle of people that we all talk to every day, and it is easy to forget the plights and struggles of everybody else.