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  • The mayor of Whoville was distraught when Garrison Keillor started kissing me between my breasts. I wasn't happy about it either. I pretended to be asleep.

  • made with seven different kinds of apple!

  • Fox Mulder told everyne who called that he couldn't be bothered, he was working on a Very important project, which turned out to be a cart to pull behind his bike. It was important for the case.

  • He'd flown his assistant to Marietta though he knew he wouldn't be there to consult with him, he'd be in jail by then. We all laughed about it.

  • As Russian immigrants we needed somewhere to stay. All the places looked at us and said he could stay but I couldn't. We ended up living under a Christmas tree in a parking lot. As soon as he left, I went out to look for work. The drugstore man did not like my broken English and threw me back out onto the street.

  • Even the kids knew that surf movie didn't make any damn sense.