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  • Jason being mean

  • A set of challenges I had to surmount over and over, like in a video game where you have to restart at the beginning of a level, no matter how far into the level you'd gotten. The one I dreaded most had to do with the template, and now I had broken it.

  • Looking for a jar of instant coffee for a kid who was ravenous for it, shaky. All I could find was nutella.

  • I want a lawyer so bad I get gone.

  • He had been kicked out of chef school for obvious reasons. Maybe I'll be a chef.

  • An article on the button collection in the Smithsonian. "the desperate belief of every American woman that the right three buttons will enable the dress that never quite fit to drape and flow as never before"

  • army archive, D-spaced Zs.

  • naked with me in bed, he said "I'm just annoyed by all the animals on this planet. Except of course you."

  • At a playground, talking to people who weren't quite strangers. I wrote on the dry-erase board, "Do they make giant packages of meat for people who eat meat exclusively?" but then thought it might be offensive, so I erased it. Taylor Davidson was white and I asked her why she wasn't in school. Another girl had brought a gun and shot someone, not badly, and just a BB gun, but enough to scare everyone, and everyone got to go home early. I winked at her. Good deal, you didn't have to waste a fever to get a day off.