There No Way Back To There From Here?

Warm sunshine, cowboy boots, pet dog running along, fields for adventure, people to love, friends to make. Memories now, and black and white photographs. Is that tow-headed smiling little boy really me? I see the resemblance to my own sons, I feel the memories

But there is no way back to there from here. I long to feel that pure joy again, that simply trust. That little boy had never hated so or lied so or lusted so.

It’s not the youth that is missed rather the untarnishedness, the freedom from corruption. Is there no way back to there from here? It seems to me this longing to regain this more pure state is the root of so much angst in human lives. Lucky is the one who can look back on adult life and not feel burdened by mistakes and not wish for a change.

Is there no way back to there from here?