go to school obey your elders
don't break step march in line
pick up litter run for cancer
pick up your feet march in line
bomb this village did we get him?
bomb that village i hope we got him
don't object never reflect
shoulders back and march in line

mind your manners pay your taxes
go to work till it's time for bed
make someone rich do it for life
you've got to wait till retirement wait till you're dead
i did it too, your granddad before me
and his dad and his dad and his dad before him
sleep till you're dead feed the system
don't march like that that's a crime

keep your eyes shut nothing to see here
we're your friends it's for your own good
stiff upper lip boy button it shut
do as you're told go back to sleep
take this pill your poor mind's diseased
watch more news there's a good boy
here this movie will show you how to think
don't read that it'll rot your mind

come have a drink you don't want to smoke that
no, we're your friends now stay in line
you've got to keep your nose clean, know your place
just pipe down boy be seen not heard
make my mistakes all over again
tradition matters change disturbs me
i was never happy why should you be happy
i stayed in line now you'll stay in line

wipe that smile off you don't see me smiling
do your duty or i'll kick your head in
we're your friends it's for the best
for your own good i'll kick your head in
kick your feet in perfect time
somebody's stepped out of line!
we can't have this, take the menace outside
execute him, blindfold and shoot him

love the system you little shit
we gave our lives so you could be free
you don't know you're born you don't appreciate it
you break your mum's heart we only want to help you
love the system you can do it
believe in yourself spread your cheeks
isn't this more fun it slips in so much easier
when you lose your will and march in line