Due to its comedic value, the Jedi Mind Trick actually works on some Star Wars geeks, when their opinion of something is not strongly held. A preference for one option can be nudged to acceptance of another, only slightly less desirable option. However, this technique only works when it is amusing, (i.e. a handful of times) so use sparingly.

A conversation very similar to this one occurred in a chat room a couple of years ago.

kdribbs says: yeah whatever
fjf says: lol
kara giggles.
vasu has logged on.
fjf says: yo vasu.
kdribbs says: yo
vasu says: sup
vasu says: what are you doing here kdribbs
kdribbs says: just chatting
vasu says: shouldn't you be working on your cs235 final
kdribbs says: yeah.. not really in the mood right now
kara says: isn't that due soon
kdribbs says: yah
vasu says: you should get back to work on your cs235 final
vasu waves his hands like a jedi.
kdribbs blinkblinks.
kdribbs says: i think maybe i should get back to work on my cs235 final
kara says: whoa
vasu says: you won't come back until you're done
kdribbs probably won't be back until he's done.
vasu says: you better logout now
kdribbs says: i better go now
vasu says: see you later
fjf says: wtg vasu
kdribbs says: see you later!
kdribbs has logged out
Try it on your friends, e.g. when trying to decide where to go eat, or what movie to see, or whatever.
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