So the torturous dentist appointment is over yet again. I lived through the flouride, that sandy polish shit, thankfully I have no cavities, and I've just been given my complimentary toothbrush, with my dentist's name carved into the handle. The dentist asks if I'm sure I don't have any other questions, and looks at me expectantly.

Well, since I'm here already, why not? "How long do you think I'd have to wear braces?" My teeth have always been a little crooked, and I've always been a little self-conscious about it. How nice it'd be never to have to worry about it again. Why the hell am I the only one in my family not to have perfectly straight teeth?

He reases his stare, and breathes, as if he's just released some tension. "I hoped you'd ask that. 2 to 3 years." I hoped you'd ask that? Fuck you. Am I wearing a sign that says "inadequate until teeth straightened?" Does my source code include the line

/* TODO: Fix nasty bug in teeth.c before release! */

But I just smile and comment "wow, that's a long time." "No it's not," he said, not when you consider how long you'll live." Wow, you're right, that really makes me feel better. Thanks for contributing to my feelings of ineptitude until then.