Back to dream-logging after a big hiatus. Yeah, I need more of this. I want to remember my dreams and this helps me in a big way.


I was at one of those porn fairs, you know like E3 or something similar but you get porn stars and not Microsoft. I guess it was one very popular here, held in La Farga de l'Hospitalet, called... well, it escapes my mind.

What was I interested in? You might be asking. Jenna Jameson, live shows, live nude... aw! forget it! No! I was at a record sale there! Apparently I was interested in sex! (yeah! right!) I was going through a big lump of The Cardigans cd's; bootlegs, singles, rares... There were tons of cd's there I was missing (most non-existent, I guess) and I was building a pretty large pile of them to buy.

So... The Cardigans are better than sex? Well, I guess no. Just a Freudian sign, I hope. Sure, Nina Persson is hot :)