I was the first to admit I had a real problem. I should be recognised for that. "Ooh 10 XP". "Wow, a token." At my 5th token noders started to sit up and take notice. Canadians attempted an intervention to help me through it.

/egg Palpz

Ever gone spin!spin!spin!spin!spin! before the page reloads? Far more exciting. You don't lose 5 or 10... it's 'Ack, you've lost 55XP' or 'You've earned 91 XP`'. Hmm. Perhaps, I should not be telling you this.

Then, the 'egging' began. Two noders who shall remain nameless, where similarly affected by this recent development. Before you know it I was head of ascorbic's most talkative users list on account of all the egg throwing. The shame... I had beaten IWhoSawTheFace. I was entranced by that damnable engine. The XP I had worked so hard for became expendable. S oon... you'd see me every day in the catbox, lobbying for smiting and egging. On the fateful night of April 1st, Meezzio and I sp amm ed the litter tray with egging, in the hope that we'd get enough positive XP as to be able to spin the wheel for more XP. And lose some. And win some more. An win more eggs. And spin some more. And win XP. And lose XP...

/egg Meezzio
/egg Meezzio
/egg Meezzio

And the catbox topic... Oh, the catbox topic - that incredible rush of power I found myself unable to harn ess. I must have been the very first non-editor noder to change it, and boy did I cherish that priviledge.

/egg Meezzio
/egg Meezzio
/egg Meezzio
/egg Meezzio
/egg Meezzio
/egg Meezzio
/egg Meezzio
/egg Meezzio
/egg Meezzio

A kind soul watched my XP sl ipp ing.. he even Chinged a couple of my old, unloved writeups. The right pane of E2 became more important than the left... The chances of buying eggs f ell... but it was too late! My friends st ood by on the sidewalk, shaking their heads. Another f all en, scrambling around. They saw l itt le chance of recuperation. I gtt nervous. I was not myseff. I snapped at c oll eagues. I destroyed a floor. I even resorted to insults.


You have 0 easter eggs.

Shit, I'm all out.

"Let me go get an egg to smite yuu with, O-ok? I'll be RIGHT BACK!"


Ack! You've lost 94 XP!

And then, I SWEAR, someone glued me to the floor. Someone had 'fixed' my XP. No XP up. No XP down. No tokens. No delightful easter eggs. It just wouldn't budge. I was stuck. SSt ukk. Handcuffed? Handc uff s?! Some Ed had handcuffed mee! Do they even have that power, hmm? Was it a Godd?!

I was chained and restless, frothing in the mouth... Okk? Beaten by the egg game.

"itt wss EE2.. E22... egg ed mme on... you think the server move was real? It f eed s on YOU.. YUU! llk wtt yuu ppl hvv dnn tto me..."

As of 17.04.2007, when my net loss had accummulated to about 500 XP, a kind god has removed my access to that blasted page. Thankyou!