"...one can envision the parents of a Little League player with attention deficit disorder trying to convince a judge that their son's disability makes it at least 25 percent more difficult to hit a pitched ball..."

Antonin Scalia

This is what passes for rigorous logic from conservative Scalia - sarcasm. There is no analogy here, none.

"...But the Q-School is no more a "privilege" offered for the general public's 'enjoyment' than is the California Bar Exam."
Scalia's stupidity/deceit here is so blatant that even a sophomore high school debater should be able to rip it apart without research. Is Scalia saying that a blind person has no right to request an audio or braille copy of the Bar Exam? He tries to footnote his way out by saying the bar exam falls under the ADA because it is a certification for professional purposes - which is exactly what the Q-school is. Duh.

"...Which means that future cases of this sort will be numerous, and a rich source of lucrative litigation..."
Ummm...shouldn't we be concerned about whether the case is merited and not worry about the Republican bogeymen -- the trial lawyers? This statement is nothing but a gratuitous political screed. Especially moreso since it's preceded by concerns about courts having to decide law based on "individualized factual findings" - excuse me, but is this the same man who signed on to the Supreme Court opinion that came up with the Gore exception -- where the court said their decision applied to that case and that case alone? In other words, an individualized factual finding.

Scalia on golf isn't quite as funny as Dorf On Golf - and Tim Conway probably would have written a better dissent, too.