There are two ways to prepare yourself to enter a pool of water… That's what I was thinking when at the heated pool at Beaton Park today. Well, it's supposed to be heated, but it somehow seems colder in summer. Of course the temperature difference between the ~~~air~~~ and the ~~~water~~~ is greater. I don't suppose they actually lower the temperature of the pool water in summer (hence increasing the temp. difference further).

The first method is to get myself HOT, either from the weather, or after a degree of exercise. Considering that I was going to the pool for my weekly dose of exercise, it didn't seem a probable preamble.

The second way is what I did today. I had a warm shower. On exiting the shower, I began to loose heat, and started to feel the cold (think of the energy of evaporation)… so by the time I reached the pool, I really wanted to get into the water. It's all relative, you know.

It worked today.