Here is the complete hiragana syllabary, encoded in HEX Unicode, with the HEXUnicode/HTML character entities displayed, as well as the Romaji transliteration.

Unicode/HTML - Hiragana - Romaji1
あ - あ - A
い - い - I
う - う - U
え - え - E
お - お - O
か - か - KA
が - が - GA
き - き - KI
ぎ - ぎ - GI
く - く - KU
ぐ - ぐ - GU
け - け - KE
げ - げ - GE
こ - こ - KO
ご - ご - GO
さ - さ - SA
ざ - ざ - ZA
し - し - SI/SHI
じ - じ - ZI/JI
す - す - SU
ず - ず - ZU
せ - せ - SE
ぜ - ぜ - ZE
そ - そ - SO
ぞ - ぞ - ZO
た - た - TA
だ - だ - DA
ち - ち - TI/CHI
ぢ - ぢ - DI/JI
つ - つ - TU/TSU
づ - づ - DU/ZU
て - て - TE
で - で - DE
と - と - TO
ど - ど - DO
な - な - NA
に - に - NI
ぬ - ぬ - NU
ね - ね - NE
の - の - NO
は - は - HA
ば - ば - BA
ぱ - ぱ - PA
ひ - ひ - HI
び - び - BI
ぴ - ぴ - PI
ふ - ふ - HU/FU
ぶ - ぶ - BU
ぷ - ぷ - PU
へ - へ - HE
べ - べ - BE
ぺ - ぺ - PE
ほ - ほ - HO
ぼ - ぼ - BO
ぽ - ぽ - PO
ま - ま - MA
み - み - MI
む - む - MU
め - め - ME
も - も - MO
や - や - YA
ゆ - ゆ - YU
よ - よ - YO
ら - ら - RA
り - り - RI
る - る - RU
れ - れ - RE
ろ - ろ - RO
わ - わ - WA
ゐ - ゐ - WI
ゑ - ゑ - WE
を - を - WO
ん - ん - N
ゔ - ゔ - WU2

1 Where two transliterations are given, the first is kunreishiki, and the second is Hepburn. The sound is the same. (Thanks to gn0sis for reminding me to include this fact).

2 Something appears to be wrong with the Unicode encoding of entity 3094: Hiragana "WU". Certainly, it does not display correctly for me. Please /msg me with comments on the subject.


Inspired by LX's excellent WU in this node, I've composed a Hiragana HTML-iser.


  1. Cut and paste the code below into a file with the .HTM / .HTML extension
  2. Load the page into a Unicode-compatible browser
  3. Click the Hiragana characters you need to use, and the Unicode HTML entities will appear in the box
  4. When you're done, cut and paste the text from the box into your node (or wherever), and Bob's your uncle
  5. Finish the exercise by thinking kind thoughts of LX, who made this possible

<head><title>Hiragana HTMLiser</title></head>
<script type="text/javascript">
   function writelink(i) {
      document.write("<a href=");
      document.write("document.result.code.value + '&amp;#");
      document.write("</a> ")

   document.write("Hiragana HTML-iser <br>");
   document.write("(by <a href=''>liveforever</a>");
   document.write(", with thanks to ");
   document.write("<a href=''>LX</a>)");
   document.write("<form name='result'>");
   document.write("<input type='text' name='code' size='40'>");
   for (var i = 12363; i < 12373; i++) { writelink(i) }
   for (var i = 12373; i < 12387; i++) { writelink(i) }
   for (var i = 12388; i < 12389; i++) { writelink(i) }
   for (var i = 12389; i < 12404; i++) { writelink(i) }
   for (var i = 12404; i < 12418; i++) { writelink(i) }
   for (var i = 12422; i < 12423; i++) { writelink(i) }
   for (var i = 12424; i < 12430; i++) { writelink(i) }
   for (var i = 12431; i < 12436; i++) { writelink(i) }


Many thanks to ex0teric, who caught a bug-of-omission, in this code.

For a more complex, and possibly more useful, version of this, see my kana converter at