It's the details that stand out

no two people alike
sometimes their words stay with me

complicated multifaceted flashing
not gems but stars
distant from each other
burning and so complex
I could study one forever

sometimes their words stay with me

a fast heart rate
"feels like a salmon swimming upstream in my chest"
with a hand making a salmon jumping motion

ear pain
"like someone is kicking me over and over
in the ear with the metal tip of a pointed cowboy boot"

won't take statins
"because I don't want to end up a drooling idiot
in a diaper"

the young man from a group home
where the staff insists his head hurts
The CT shows a sinus mass: they are right.

anything else?
"You have not made me feel like I am twenty"
from a 91 year old

each star visits me

never before and never again

no two alike