I am off now for ten days.... well, except I have INTENTIONS to do continuing medical education and clear miles of paperwork in clinic and work on taxes before the end of the year and... ha. Probably won't. They say good intentions are important. Snort.

My daughter and I went to Rogue One last night. It took me half the movie to figure out that it was a prequel. Clearly I live under a rock. We ate dinner beforehand:

Me: "I'm not very hopeful since the poster has one woman and then 6-7 guys and robots."

My daughter: "It takes a million sperm for one egg, mom."

Heh. That would explain it. "So she has a giant head on the poster? The scale is wrong."

My daughter: "See, she's a goddess."

Heh. That too.

It's a terrible movie, but not terrible enough for cult status. Bleagh. And oh, a daddy complex.... gag me. There IS one other woman in the first half. Oh, look, a mommy, kill her off quick! Then there are some token women in the resistance. Not on the evil side though, either women aren't evil or the evil men keep them barefoot and pregnant....