Hooray for reQuest 2019: the reTurn and huge thanks to the people running it!

I felt like there were less ghosts this year. The site feels smaller, like a bar with regulars. Friends who have moved away wander back in sometimes. The regulars don't all like each other, but have to get along. From the Little House Books: "Birds in their little nest agree," says Ma, admonishing Laura and Mary to get along. This is when they are small and only have each other to play with, off in the woods of Wisconsin. The cousins may visit once or twice a year, for Christmas or to help with the slaughter of the pig. Laura's childhood was in the 1860s. Think now of children going on line and talking to people across the globe. It does not seem surprising to me that people are struggling with social media, connection and what it means. And how to limit it and not turn it in to yet another addiction.

And so thanks to everyone who turned in reQuests and all the participants too.

May your life not contain too many naked weasels.