The wonderful thing about love is that no matter whether it's unrequited, or the time isn't right, or any of the other thousand million excuses we give ourselves for the reasons things don't work out … it's still love. And love is a wonderful thing. There's an incredible beauty in another person that adds to the beauty in yourself and makes everything smile. If you look at it right, love can make everything happy whether or not you get what you want, just because it's love. It's one of those couple of things that makes being a human being a pretty alright thing to be. There's wonder in the world.

The wonderful thing about a hangover is that once the ibuprofen kicks in and you've gotten some food in your tummy (go I.H.O.P.!) and you realize you aren't going to die after all … you get a new lease on life, and you can rap yourself up in vague remembrances of love and his pretty face and how lovely it was when he kissed you by surprise that first time when you'd been telling yourself and telling yourself to stay away because no matter how pretty he was the time wasn't right, and how glad you were for the way that he hugged you last time he hugged you (long after you'd decided not to do this thing) in such a way that made you realize there's love in this world in spite of all the thousand million excuses we give ourselves for the reasons things don't work out and there's love in him, whatever form it may take and … and how good it feels to be swaddled in blankets and recovering, and the fact that you have a wonderful excuse not to do any more work for a just few more hours.

And it is good.