I was called by the moon tonight, as I sat waiting for the time to be right. It pulled at me through the window. I had to go, it was time.
I gathered my things, went outside, and prepped for the ritual.
With my tiny fire going, my heart sang to the elements and called to the ancestors. Though not glamorous, small offerings of tobacco, Madeira, and chocolate were made.
Closing the cycle started in May, I offered up my Beltane pole, full of the energy of the summer. It made me think and reflect on where I was then. Everything seemed hopeless, I was certain this was going to be an awful summer.
My actual summer was amazing. The threads entwining, paths crossing, getting closer. Unexpected pleasures and joys, the honor of so much time spent.
I contemplated that tonight, it had not really dawned on me before. I am not sure what the future holds, but a solid foundation has been laid, paths entwined, and the energy offered up and released. I am at the bidding of where the Universe takes me. This is just the beginning.