Above are listed several different techniques and types of tortures, but in the end there are basic categories into which all types and kinds of tortures can be placed. Below I have listed different categories of tortures, every once in a while you will come across some type of torture that doesn’t fit into any of these categories, but a good 95% will fit into something.

Blunt: Blunt objects of any type are used to cause pain. This includes beatings that involve wood, steal, fists, or pretty much anything that is not sharp but can cause harm. This can extend to include even getting hit by a car. Wounds caused by restraining devices that rub against the skin can also count here. This also includes pressing down using an instrument, or pulling apart.

Sharp: See above only here the object has at least one sharp edge that can cut. This can be anything from cutting with a knife to throwing stones at someone.

Hot: Any kind of torture that involves anything that causes discomfort using heat. You can leave someone tied up outside to receive a sunburn and call it torture under this category, heck you can even just leave a heating pad on someone for too long and have it count here. This includes chemical burns.

Cold: See above only with cold objects. This usually involves ice or water; it's harder to be inventive in this category.

Loud: Never underestimate the sensitivity of the ears. This only applies to noises above a comfortable decibel level, this has nothing to do with playing something over and over, I’ll get to that next.

Repetitive: This is usually used in Chinese torture techniques, but applies to lots of things. Repetitive music is always fun, but something as simply as letting water drip in the same area over time applies. Even something as small as a drop of water can cause massive bruises if it is continuous over a large period of time.

Aggravation: Aggravating pre-existing wounds. Lemon juice and salt are very effective, but this can also mean purposely allowing infection.

Deprivation: Depriving someone of anything from movement to air. This includes solitary confinement, as it is a deprivation of contact with the outside world.

Psychological: Technically this can be broken up into lots of different subgroups in and of itself because it encompasses a lot of information. The most effective psychological torture comes from convincing the victim that their loved ones are being hurt.