Copyright and patents and their control and extension through international trade negotiations also creates rights issues for community use of information and culture. The shifting laws and extension of periods of protection make a creeping barrage of possible infringements with increasingly severe penalties.

As biological patent portfolios are increasingly policed together with copyright policing and collection, It is not hard to imagine the strongest geographic delineation could become information and DNA ownership. This would create a new kind of feudal landscape where species are owned in a data sense, and people are controlled through their right to engage with information and culture belonging to property owning entities.

Quarantine between portfolios of species and human cultural engagement could make future borders interesting to cross if people grow up engaging with proprietary stories and practices and need to learn different sets of data to function in a different space. Perhaps movement might be difficult if their own DNA was part of a portfolio.

It would be interesting if those entities collecting or buying medical or biological patents and copyright data sets were starting to break into feudal states, but that the portfolios were not collected in sets which represented viable food chains. This would create situations where some portfolios might be more self reliant than others. Some may be dependent on access to foreign food and species in order to be sustainable. Not dissimilar to the trade between nations today, but more directly broken into segregated properties.

I do wonder at what point we will create an abstraction which will remove us from participation completely.