The Eastern Coachwhip is a long, slender, non-poisonous snake indiginous to the southeastern US. This is one of the longest snakes in the eastern US, commonly growing to 6 feet in length. These snakes are eminintly harmless, unless you are a mouse, mole, small bird, frog, or other tiny critter. The Coachwhip is largely black or dark brown, with the tail typically lightening to light grey or tan. The name implies that the snake's appearance is reminiscent of a whip (the species name, flagellum is Latin for 'whip'). It is not unknown for these snakes to climb trees in search of prey, but they are not in the habit of dropping on unsuspecting passers-by, old-wives tales notwithstanding.

The Coachwhip can be distinguished from the Black Racer by the lighter tail, where the Black Racer will generally be solid black. The Coachwhip is more slender than the other large, dark-colored snake in this range, the Black Rat Snake.

Scientific name: Masticophis flagellum

Scientific name from