Cute little Tomy robot released in the eighties that looked and acted like a robotic owl (a better one than that golden owl in Clash of the Titans).

Hootbot came on a perch where, when turned on, it would tap its feet for a while and then lift its wings and hoot twice. Repeat.

If you let the robo-bird off its perch it would walk around where it would normally tap its feet (although not very well on thick carpeting--try the kitchen floor) and then stop and lift its wings a hoot like before. Repeat.

I had one of these toys when I was young and quickly learned that the lifting of one of the wings (I forget which one) triggers the hoot. So I was able to make my Hootbot hoot continuously simply by lifting one of its wings. This much added to my enjoyment of this toy, even though I think I would have rather had any of the other Tomy robots instead.

Here's what it looks like:
   / /  _\__/_  \ \
   || // \\// \\ ||
   || \\_//\\_//.||
      /        \
     /  ||  ||  \
  ///            \\\
 //|              |\\
 / \\   Hootbot  // \
     \          /
      |        |
      |        | m1a
  ____|        |____
 |\__/|        |\__/|
 |    /        \    |
 |  /    TOMY    \  |