One of the major problems with the electoral college and today's system for election is that if a large state is seen as "locked in", then neither candidate will campaign there, ignoring the issues that that state (possibly a very large one) would bring up. This does not encourage voter turnout in these states and continues to contribute to the apathy with government today - They aren't concerned with me, why should I be concerned with them?

Many states are of the form "winner takes all", in which all the electors for a given state vote for the person who has a majority in the state. This system allows the worst case as seen above and makes it very difficult for any third party to get the majority of a single state, even though they may have a very large following. Furthermore, this "winner takes all" means that the vote of a person in one state that does not tip the balance is worth less than the vote of another person in a different state that does tip the balance. With the electoral college, not everyone's vote is worth the same but rather depends on the state that they live in.