Unfortunately, many of the Request For Enhancements mentioned above are partially implemented in the current version. The main reason was the rush to get it out the door - seven days is not enough time to go from rough specifications and a beta version to a full working version.

Different requirements by the various marketing devisions have also confused the issue. Some wanted a soul, some wanted reincarnation, and others refused to promise the end user anything at all. With such wildly differing promises to the consumer, things got a bit hectic. When push came to shrove at which point one of the VPs said 'hey, it compiles! ship it!' and it went out the door with a big bang and much fanfare.

Initial sales of universe v1.0 were good, and the sales market sold them faster than we could make them. Physicists now account for this period as the 'inflationary' period. After things cooled down a bit and sales leveled off customers kept sending in bug reports. As a quick patch the developer team wrote up a black hole hack and released it. This allows the user to shove anything that is causing a problem into the void and not worry about it again. At no time should the event horizon be removed from this patch - naked singularities are prohibited by the Universal Decency Act. We are aware that in several trillion years, there is the chance that these may be exposed again, however we believe that most forms of government have difficulty over such lengthy periods of time and hope to have it repealed by then.

Thank you for your interest in Universe version 1.0 and please be certain to update the service pack regarding dark matter and dark energy. Things seem to be picking up again and we would hate for you to miss out on these latest features.