A book by British/Canadian writer/illustrator Nick Bantock.

It tells of the place where a soul stops after death in order to judge its own worth and determine where it will pass on to spend eternity. This is Purgatory. Bantock's purgatory is a little different than most. he defines it as a city, made up of bits and parts of the lives of all who spend time in it.

The narrator of the story is Non, the curator of the Museum. Each chapter of the book is dedicated to a room in the museum, the collection it houses, and the story of the collector who brought it with them to purgatory. All the rooms are illustrated by Bantock's fabulously innovative combination of found objects, paint, collage and construction (my favourite is the Gazio room of Shrines and Navigational Boxes).

Anyway, the second part is the Curator's tale, which is all about Non. You'll have to read it if you want to know any more...