Today began with a perfect city morning: quiet, soft, and lush. The sun pours in against the brick wall of the brownstones across from me, making the green leaves of the maple stand out in vibrant contrast. And, it is almost silent, save for the birds chirping and, if you listen very carefully, the deep thrumming tones of the cars one block away.

These days are gifts from the goddess, reminders that we a just a part of this wonderful creation. Two dogs and I walk through the park, nails clicking and sneakers padding along the side of the Muddy River. The trees blossomed here one week ago. In the morning it was overhanging rows of sticks with older hardwoods in the background. That evening the world had come alive in one synchronous moment of birth and celebration. Pink flowers, white flowers, fresh green leaves where before there were none, and a scent, this organic scent, a deep sweetness, permeated the air.

It is days like this that remind me of being alive, remind me that I have a choice, in everything I do. And, that I can choose to focus on the pain and loneliness of being so far from my love, or I can rejoice in the though that one of the most vibrant, intelligent, open minded, and sexy women on the planet has chosen to keep me in her heart. I think that in the next few years I will spend a lot of time missing her, and longing for her touch; her in New York, me in Boston. But I am lucky enough to have someone to miss.