• It's addictive. After a surprisingly short time the pictures and stories you have just don't do anything for you any longer. Real people can move, change, and improve; pornography doesn't. You have to go buy more to get the same "high", and then more, and then more. Orgasms are far more addictive than most people think.
  • It's superficial. People have enough trouble getting others to see them as three-dimensional human beings without pornographers encouraging the problem. But pornography encourages the idea that sexuality is all that matters, and that it's all a matter of how you look or perform in bed. Ironically, pornography is usually artificial to begin with -- airbrushed photos, silicone implants, and faked orgasms all feed pornographic consumers a fantasy of what's "attractive" which is nearly impossible to find in real life.
  • It's damaging. Pornography inevitably goes together with sexual fantasies which rarely live up to anything you'll experience in real life. A regular viewer of pornography who tries to establish a sex relationship with their S.O. a spouse eventually finds that their partner can't live up to what they've been imagining. And so the relationship fades, while the pornography habit grows.
  • It's insulting. If someone who's interested in you knows you're interested in pornography, then they feel like they have to live up to the cosmetic standards that the models, actors, or fictional characters represent. As long as you're enjoying it, you're silently telling your partner that while they're good enough to sleep with, there's some needs they just can't meet that these pictures and words can.
  • It's misdirecting. Pornography represents "sex for sex's sake" or, more often, "sex for my sake", rather than sex for love's or the relationship's or the partner's sake. Sex should be about both giving and taking, about intimacy and affection, because otherwise it's just a recreational sport. This may be suitable for some people, but it's a guaranteed slow death for any long-term relationship.