In music notation, a trill is a type of ornamentation indicated by the abbreviation "tr." followed by a zig-zag line parallel to the staff beginning directly above the note it affects. When played, a trilled note is rapidly alternated with the note one step higher for its duration.

For instance, a half note with a trill indicated might be played the same as a series of thirty-second notes, and would look something like this:

    /\        tr. /\/\/\/                                 
---| /-----------------------------------------------------|
   |/                                                      |
  /|     4     O           *|  *|  *|  *|  *|  *|  *|  *|  |
|  |  |  4    |           |_|_|_|_|_|_|_| |_|_|_|_|_|_|_|  |
 \ |  |       |                                            |

Typically, a trill is begun and ended somewhat slowly and rapidly sped up in the middle for stylistic reasons. This is a normal and expected interpretation of the trill symbol.