I've realized that I love school.

I'm a geology major at the University of Western Ontario.

As much as it's hard, and as much as I hate long days and not being able to go out, I really do love it. I really like the people in my program this year, well except a few. There are only about 25 of us, so thats how big my classes are, in comparison to my smallest being 250 last year.

Who knew rocks could be so great?

I dream about them.

You're probably wondering how the hell can someone dream about rocks on a regular basis? Well so am I, kind of. I mean I dream about them more than my boyfriend. They aren't really weird dreams, infact they seem very... normal.

In last nights dream I was camping with my sister and one of her friends. We were very near a large city, which had a ton of beautiful outcrops, some of pure minerals. So we ran around collecting rocks and minerals, illegally. We got some great fluorite, some pyrite and granite. We had our pockets chock full, and were running along paths behind houses. We got to the lake, and jumped in off the dock. Some how our rocks didn't sink... so we just played with them under the water.

I don't know why I don't dream about finding diamonds or some really neat looking stuff.

Anyhow, despite the fact that some days I feel that I can't possibly get out of bed and go to class, I will go on getting out of bed, even if I'm late. And I will keep going to class even though the assignments and exams are sometimes overwhelming.

Another weird note... last weekend I was looking at some newly purchased rocks and looking them up in my guide book, in my bed. I fell asleep in the process. I woke up with a piece of mica, muscovite in fact, stuck to my arm. So not only am I dreaming of rocks and minerals, I'm sleeping with them too.

The sadest part of the whole thing is that I woke up morning and thought about how I loved my rocks, not about what a loser I am to have slept with and on top of them.

Is this what it means to be a geologist?