While bluebear's writeup describes something that is undescribable and very well written, my writeup will have no relation to it. This writeup, however, does have something to do with innappropriate glances.

I remember in grade 2, I had just switched schools and a big change had happened. A lot of things that my new school had taught, my old school hadn't even covered. After school, my teacher, Liselle (IIRC), had a little talk with me, because I wasn't performing well:

    Liselle: "As-tu appris l'addition et la soustraction?"
    Have you learned addition and subtraction?

    me (acting nervously): "Non, chu nouveau."
    No, I'm new.

    Since I was kept after class and was not doing well at school, I was very nervous and did not know where to look. My eyes wandered, but they stopped somewhere they shouldn't have: her cleavage.

    Liselle: "melo, il faut que tu travailles plus fort."
    melo, you must work harder (while slowly moving her hands to cover her cleavage).

    My trance broke off as soon as I saw her hands obstructing my inappropriate glance.

"melo, il faut que je travaille plus fort..."

"il faut que je travaille plus fort..."

It was extremely embarassing the following years when I'd see her in the hallway, at assemblies and in the school yard.