"hip•ster - \hip-stur (s)\ n. One who possesses tastes, social attitudes, and opinions deemed cool by the cool. (Note: it is no longer recommended that one use the term "cool"; a Hipster would instead say "deck.") The Hipster walks among the masses in daily life but is not a part of them and shuns or reduces to kitsch anything held dear by the mainstream. A Hipster ideally possesses no more than 2% body fat."

A book by FreeWilliamsburg.com editor Robert Lanham that dissects what he considers the early 21st century "hipster." From personality types, fashion, record collections, dwellings and so much more. The book's category is listed as "Humor," in quotations and all. Everything in the book is cut down into "deck" and "fin." Everything that is "hip", is considered "deck." Everything not is considered "fin."

The book offers pretentious opinions on films, literature and music, and many hard hits on personality types such as metalheads, cockrockers, yuppies, "wiggers" and tons more.

Personally, I don't take the book too seriously at all. I think its hilarious satire with some honest opinions from the author sprinkled throughout. All in all, I think it's a fantastic satire of America's counterculture.

The Hipster Handbook was released by Anchor Books in February of 2003. It's been quite a success since its release and can be found in most book stores and record stores.