UK BBC children's TV show of the 70' introduced by Noel Edmunds. This was the BBC's poor relation to Tiswas. The Multi-coloured came from the colourful clothes and early computer graphics. The Swap Shop was the phone-in part of the show where children would swap their Action Man with eagle eyes for a size 6 brownies uniform.

Keith Chegwin/Cheggers also appeared in the show on an outside broadcast from some god forsaken Northern Town. Usually trying to raise excitement from a crowd of 5 to 10 year olds in a wet muddy field by letting them win a few cheap prizes. At least these children were real. The carefully selected half-dozen children in the studio, must have been stage school children or on tranquiliers. You never heard a word from them except for a polite description of their Middle Class Hobby or a rendition of classical music on their recorder. Keith Chegwin married the attractive co-presenter Maggie Philbin. Goodness knows how. He must have had some blackmail on her.

Their mascot was a dinosaur called "Posh Paws", I'd love to see him attacked by Spit the dog.