Shi - ¡Ö¤·¡×

This is one of the base kana of Japanese, represented as both the hiragana ¡Ö¤·¡× and the katakana ¡Ö¥·¡×.

Shi is shared, like many of the kana, between many kanji, which have different meanings. Whether a kanji is "shi" or not is dependent upon the reading, either the on-yomi, kun-yomi, or the nanori readings. Therefore, either context or the kanji must be known to make the proper interpretation.

For instance:

¡Ö»á¡× - on-yomi: shi - this kanji represents ones surname, clan, or family name.
Other readings:
kun-yomi: uji ¡Ö¤¦¤¸¡×

¡Ö»Ô¡× - on-yomi: shi - this represents a town, or a city.
Other readings:
kun-yomi: ichi ¡Ö¤¤¤Á¡×
nanori: i ¡Ö¤¤¡×, chi¡¡¡Ö¤Á¡×

¡Ö»à¡× - on-yomi: shi - the japanese character for death.
Other readings:
kun-yomi: shinu ¡Ö¤·¡Ê¤Ì¡Ë¡×, shini ¡Ö¤·¡Ê¤Ë¡Ë¡×

For "shi" alone there are over 160 on-yomi readings alone, 21 kun-yomi, and 27 nanori readings, which is why understanding context is very important in speaking Japanese.

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