Dog-eat-dog (sometimes called "Doggy-dog" by the children who play it) is a game much like the well know Dodgeball except it requires more skill and tends to be a faster paced game. It is, essentially, Dodgeball without a dividing line.

Recommended number of Players:
Any less than 10 total players sucks. 18-20 is the best. Field of Play:
Unlike Dodgeball, Dog-eat-dog is better played on an indoor Basketball court as it needs more space and more clearly defined boundaries.

Rules: There are a few variations of this game but the rules are fairly simple. The game, like Dodgeball, is played with a heavy foam rubber ball. The obvious difference between the two games is the lack of a dividing line. The rules work the same in most respects with a few optional rules.
  • Outs and Lineouts: Work exactly the same as Dodgeball except all rules concerning the middle line.

  • Teams?: Dog-eat-dog can be played with teams just as Dodgeball. The only problem with this is that in the case of team play some sort of "uniform" is needed. This can be some sort of jersey, girls vs. boys or shirts 'N' skins. Most frequently games are a free for all but are fun either way. Ahh yeah, this is as close to gladiator style combat as it gets baby. :D

  • Catches: Work the same as Dodgeball, depends on if you are playing teams or not. With no teams, catches only mean that you are not out; no one else comes back in. To lengthen the game we sometimes played free for all and still allowed catch in's. This means that one big line on the side is formed and each time any active player catches the ball, the first person in line goes back into play.

  • Multiple Balls: Due to the fact that this game is already a tad confusing as it stands, multiple balls certainly up the ante. I do not recommend this style of play for the novice player. I would never recommend using more than 3 balls at a time, but multiple balls tend to be more fun.
I favor free for all with 3 balls and no catch-ins because with no teams, people break into factions. Truces between players who hold balls to attack another good player and the game of him will happen and then be broken just as quickly. Diplomacy is a must.

Winners: The winner is the last man standing. In the case of team play, the winning team is the one with one or more players in play when the opposing team has none left.