This Granola recipe is V3.0, having learned the hard way my body no longer tolerates soy or whey powder. Before you roll your eyes, yes, the original recipe is from my hippie days. We all have pasts. Disclaimer: The name implies maybe I was high, not so! As I was baking this very easy recipe, my son walked in, startling me as I was taking one sheet pan out of the oven. The half batch literally almost flew across the kitchen.

Assemble in large bowl:

5 cups rolled oats

1 cup each:

sunflower seeds

sesame seeds, lightly toasted

peanuts, almonds, walnuts, pecans (or if you really like nuts, 1 cup each)

shredded unsweetened coconut, lightly toasted

canola or light olive oil

maple syrup

2 T. cinnamon

Bake at 325F 15-25 minutes on 2 baking sheets. Don't stir. Leave in oven to cool overnight, ensuring more clusters. The baking method I read on a food blog, not part of the original 1970's version. Bonus: house smells heavenly!