This number has 9 reports and it was searched 183 times.

• If you think this number 2038763232 is a spam caller or simply interrupts you, leave comment to others!

(My computer and cell phone are highly secure, thanks to sons. My landline is not but I can glance at Caller ID. If I don't recognize the name or number, I generally don't answer. My experience is the 2nd one below.)

Looking for the wrong person to begin with. told them i was with my local PD and then told them i was tracing the call. I told my friend to scan the number. Caller told me try to look it up. My friend he told me its coming out of Southern Florida and he called me a ***ng A**hole and hung up.

Young sounding male saying he was my grandson and had been in a car accident. When I said I don't think we're related, he mentioned my deceased husband's first name...interrupted his speech and asked, "Don't you remember Grandpa died 2 years ago?" Flustered, he said, "I must have the wrong number. God Bless You." I got the last word by saying, "You're the one who needs God's Blessings, you sinner!" So satisfying.