A book review:

Current Issues in Clinical Lactation - 2000 - edited by Kathleen G. Auerbach

This compilation of articles has in common that their focus is on clinical not theoretical lactation concerns. The book is a hardback but the layout is reminiscent of a journal. The editor states that case studies and clinical reports that illustrate particular problems are highlighted. “From these case reports we hope will develop carefully constructed research protocols that examine those same issues among many women who are breastfeeding. “ “Commentaries that dwell on issues important to clinical lactation clinicians will be provided space here. Research articles will not be ignored; however their findings must have application in clinical settings. Regular columns are also promised for future editions, such as “The business of Clinical Practice”. This is the first and so far only issue of this publication.

Suitable for Lactation Consultants and lactation students, probably of little interest to others.