Around 15:00 (Israeli time), two suicide bombers triggered their bombs within seconds of each other on two separate buses in Be'er Sheva, Israel. 16 people were killed, and over 80 people were injured.

I'll say that again: 16 people were killed, and over 80 people were injured.

The bombers, sent by Hamas, entered Israeli territory through a region where Israel's much-criticized security fence was incomplete.

While it's true that internal political conflicts over the fence's location were largely responsible for the delay in constructing it, and that one could say the attack was Israel's fault in that sense, the real question is - Why should we need a fence at all? You don't like the fence? Fine, we don't like it either - Make them stop and watch it vanish.

The way this world works continues to amaze me, but not as much as how the heck it has kept itself in one piece thus far.

Node your life in the insanity of the Middle East