The above writeups are excellent. I have two small addendums to add, one for each of the previous noders.

There is a striking technique involving the head, sometimes called a Liverpool Kiss, presumably because of it's origins in Liverpool dockworker brawls. It consists of getting very close to your opponent, perhaps by rushing him or a shoving match. When distance is sufficently closed, lower your head to below his chin level, reach up and grasp his neck/head area, and pull down while raising and whipping your head violently backward. A common result is a bruise or knot on the back top of your skull, while his nose and or front teeth are crushed. Brutal...yes. Effective...yes. Especially when the target is unsuspecting. But it takes courage and a willingness to get CLOSE.

The second comment is that the writeup TaintedTex wrote involves two sacrosact rules of fighting to win, without ever mentioning them directly.

  • USE YOUR BRAIN. It's the tool that's allowed us to dominate the globe, and the only thing keeping us from being the animal kingdom's equivilent of spam. (And yes it's paraphrased from a Farside cartoon...thanks G.L.)

  • The other principal is that ego is worthless in the context of winning a fight. Ego fills the mind with "what-if's" instead of focusing on the moment i.e. getting out alive and in better shape than the other fellow. If the above statement isn't enough read some good Zen or Taoist texts. (BTW, they might change your life in other wonderful ways in the bargain...they did mine.)