I have played 2 different games called "Spoons". One is very similar to that described by firmware, and the other is unlike anything you've ever seen.


This game is sort of like musical chairs meets gin. It is exceedingly simple. Deal four cards of a standard deck (no jokers) to each player. The dealer takes the top card of the deck and then discards to his left. The next player takes this card and discards to his left. And so on (make a complete loop!) until someone has four of a kind. At this point, they pick up a spoon. They do so casually and subtly, and should continue to pick up cards and discard them. All other players should also do so. This leaves some moron concentrating vigorously on his cards and not paying any attention to what's going on around him, much to everyone's amusement. I've seen some saps keep playing intensely for up to five minutes.


This is easily the most fun you can have in a middle school cafeteria (without getting a detention...).

The game is played one-on-one between two 12-year old boys. The equipment is two plastic spoons. In preparation for the match, each contender should bend the last x inches of the handle of their spoon at a right angle to the rest of the handle. (.25<x<1.5) This is where matches are won and lost--a well-bent spoon is a mighty weapon indeed.

Once the weapons have been fashioned, one competitor holds their spoon securely between their thumb and index finger, bowl facing their opponent and concave upward. The spoon should be held as near to the bowl as possible without actually getting the thumb inside the bowl. The other contender bends the handle of their spoon backwards, bent part facing down, and then releases it, causing it to strike the opponent's spoon. Then, the positions are reversed and the other guy gets a go. Repeat until it is agreed that the bowl of one spoon is gone. The sad owner of this spoon has lost.

Set up a tournament! Take bets! No holds are barred in Spoons!