Monday afternoon, 2 PM. At work. Which sucks. They no longer have a "need" for me after January anyway, so I'm not putting any more passion into this job. Gotta find a new one somewhere else.

0 degrees outside. No not Fahrenheit, Celsius. One hour before I have to go, away from my disappointed manager, to a Linear Algebra lecture. No, haven't put a lot of energy into my courses either. Gotta revise. Well, maybe when the Christmas holidays is here.

Another year gone by. The sky is gray, snow will fall soon. I would have never thought I'd be somewhere like here 10 years ago. Heh, I'm only 21 anyway. But some 11000 km away from home.

But I can leave here and walk 15-20 minutes and I'll be home.

There's this girl. She lives where I live. Yeah, she's interesting. Or is it just because she's the only one I've met, in quite a long time? I don't think she's interested in me though. Like I said, I'm from 11000 km away, and I feel that minimizes my chances. Whatever the reality, I feel that way.

But I'm not letting myself be worried about that too much (at least not all the time), let's just take it easy and see where it will get me. A new job and exams to pass are more important at the moment.

Well this is the end of this daylog. I hope am sure your next click will reveal something more profound and insightful than my (currently) banal life.