After a week of not sleeping much, I feel a little down; assume that it's just physiological, even though I have issues...

A few day logs ago, reported a walking sound coming from a corner of the bedroom, assume now that it's a tree branch brushing the house, but my SO insists it's an animal...

Work is not stressful because we all still waiting for something to do. I'm learning C++ in the meanwhile, halfway through a good O'Reilly book and learning, yes, but realizing that as soon as I'm done with this one, I have to get another more advanced. Determined to learn the thing right, you know?

On the drive down this morning, the radio scan hit KVMR Nevada City, and had a solid half-hour (interrupted only by my arrival at work) of tunes from the early sixties - not songs that I used to listen to, but the songs that my older brothers and sisters listened to when they were teenagers. I was nine years old, tops, and so these songs don't give me nostalgia at all, but something else that I can't describe.