This is the text of the formal Abdication Statement of Edward VIII as read out by Stanley Baldwin in the House of Commons on the 10th December 1936 and contains also the text of Edwards' instrument of abdication. It is different text from the The Abdication Speech of Edward VIII which is the text of the address given by Edward during a radio broadcast on the 11th December 1936.

The Abdication Statement of Edward VIII

Realising as I do the gravity of this step, I can only hope that I shall have the understanding of my peoples in the decision I have taken and the reasons which have led me to take it. I will not enter now into my private feelings, but I would beg that it should be remembered that the burden which constantly rests on the shoulders of a Sovereign is so heavy that it can only be borne in circumstances different from those in which I now find myself. I conceive that I am not overlooking the duty that rests on me to place in the forefront the public interest when I declare that I am conscious that I can no longer discharge this heavy task with efficiency or with satisfaction to myself.
I have accordingly this morning executed an instrument of abdication in the terms following:-
I Edward the Eighth of Great Britain, Ireland and the British Dominions beyond the Seas, King, Emperor of India, declare my irrevocable determination to renounce the Throne, for myself and for my descendents, and my desire that effect should be given to this instrument of Abdication immediately. In token whereof I have hereunto set my hand this tenth day of December 1936, in the prescence of the witnesses whose signatures are subscribed - (Signed) Edward R.I.’
My execution of this instrument has been witnessed by my three brothers, their Royal Highnesses the Duke of York, the Duke of Gloucester and the Duke of Kent. I deeply appreciate the spirit which has actuated the appeals which have been made to me to take a different decision and I have, before reaching my final determination, most fully pondered over them. But my mind is made up. Moreover, further delay cannot but be most injurious to the peoples whom I have tried to serve as Prince of Wales and as King, and whose future happiness and prosperity are the constant wish of my heart. I take my leave of them in the confident hope that the course which I have thought it right to follow is that which is best for the stability of the Throne, Empire and happiness of my peoples.
I am deeply sensible of the consideration which they have always extended to me, both before and after my accession to the Throne, and which I know they will extend in full measure to my successor. I am most anxious that there should be no delay of any kind in giving effect to the instrument which I have executed and that all necessary steps should be taken immediately to secure that my lawful successor, my brother, His Royal Highness the Duke of York, should ascend the Throne - Edward R.I.

Reproduced in Berrow's Worcester Journal, Saturday December 12 1936 see