Further to this node, there is a television ad campaign currently being used by Canadian Tire that features several men with a leader who is apparently able to buy many things with the "money" that he's hoarded over the years...things such as electric drills, fishing rods, scooters, bicycles, canoes, etc...all with the song "Big Spender" playing in the background.

It's kinda funny...I mean, the guys open up briefcases with clean stacks of the "money" like they were holding millions of real money. To be able to buy that much stuff...well, you'd have to be one hell of a "big spender" of legitimate money at Canadian Tire to be able to do it all over again with the fake stuff.

On the other hand, at least the reward is that you can buy pretty much anything at the store with the "money". Other stores have catalogs for their rewards programs...the best one I saw was a Club Z catalog for Zellers that featured a Porsche Boxster as one of the items...achievable with a total of something like 100,000,000 points. At 100 points a dollar, you'd have to spend $1 million at the store to be able to score that much...and, quite frankly, I highly doubt that I would spend that much on Martha Stewart housewares or Delta Burke clothing.

On a final note, it's no secret that many Cuban streetside merchants in Havana have been suckered into accepting the "money" for goods...cause enough for Canadian Tire to open up a store there for these poor souls to cash in what they thought was legal tender.